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Super Cool "Tron" Bikes

What do u think how is this looking i think its a miracle work .Wanna ride this fabulous bike and you are enthusiastic about the design.If you are serious about getting your hands on a replica Tron light 'cycle, Well then u r on the track to own a ride like that.
Back in November, the New York-based Evolve Motorcycles corporation, which designed a really cool Tron replica 'cycle dubbed the Xenon.

The bike is all electric, unlike some of the others Tron 'cycles previousluy featured on TG Daily - such as the Tron Legacy Light cycle which uses a traditional gasoline four stroke engine.
If you missed the original story about the Evolve Xenon motorcycle, the vehicle features 32-inch hubless wheels, along with a handcrafted fiberglass frame and cool blue lights made from OLEDs. The bike is powered by 40,000 W electric motor fed from a lithium-ion battery - and good for a 100 mile riding range.

The Xenon - which boasts a top speed of 100 mph - has an approximate" MRP of $55,000". As noted above, if you want to be one of the first to get your hands on one of the Xenon electric motorcycles, one is up for auction on CharityBuzz. The charity auction will close in about 12 days and 7 hours at the time of writing. There have been eight bids so far in $1000 increments thus far - with a maximum bid currently set at $23,000 and the next one pegged at 24K.
Frankly, I wonder if it would be exciting to actually ride one of these bikes in real life. To me, it looks as if wide turning could be the coolest spec of the bike. In any case, if you win the 'cycle, you can customize it by choosing the bike's light tape color, as well selecting internal specifications, like battery and motor type.

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