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Google Android is enhancing user experince by enabling "java scripts" in their browsers Apps

The upcoming new java-script enabled browsers Apps are completely dominating the browser industry and making the whole new App experience. As the tech enthusiast Google Android is also switching over to JavaScript browser apps!

So, obviously UBUNTU Phone™ concept with it's revolutionary concept of scopes could finally be much more successful, than commonly thought. Missing apps problem now becomes void. This little thing is a game changer!!!

Until now, you had to use Android SDK, Java™ to implement sophisticated apps. Though web apps existed, notification bar on top, informing user about new mails, sms, phone calls, facebook / whatsapp messages ... simply wasn't accessible from within a browser.

That has changed now. Companies now can notify a user about just when he make  changes in their homepage.

Technically, it required some bigger changes in architecture of Chrome™ (and free Chromium, ChromeOS™) browser. It now has background worker threads. So you just have to add some JavaScript API notification code within index.html to make that browser background thread inqueue, activate a continuous news poll from your homepage, opening up completely new #advertising and #marketing concepts.

And it requires #ES6, that is completely event-driven now, extremely energy saving design with it's new Object.Observe - mechanism.

Pretty much the same mechanism, mail clients have. But now you can use it for everything, even for JavaScript apps within a homepage, allowing long time database queries, stock chart surveillance, ... finally killing JAVA™/Dalvik™ on Android™ -> ready for dustbin.

A great chance for UBUNTU Phone™, since these two worlds (Android™, UBUNTU™) can/will directly converge now. And, IMHO, it's ringing in the final end of appstore concept.

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