Understanding the real facts of Drug Addiction and Abuse.
The realility of drug addiction is like a complex disease and quitting it takes more then good intension or a strong will power.
Many people don't understand how and why some of us are addicted to drug. Most of the time we mistakenly assumed that consumption of drugs gives us nothing but Reduceses Our Mental Stress, so we ofently consumed it thinking that we will stop using drugs simply changing our behaviour which obviously not possible at all.
In fact drug changes brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse , quitting is difficult even for those who have made there mind's set up's. Since we are advance in science so we all know that how drugs works on our brain than ever and we also know that drug addiction can be treated successfully to stop people by the abuse of drugs and he/she can live his life in a better way foreover.
Example of some drugs: Marijuna, Heroin, Brownsugar
Negative Concequences Of Drug Addiction And Abuse.
Drug abuse and addiction has negative concequences for individual as well as for society.It increase the anual cost of productivity , health and crime related to it.They do not fully describe the bredth of destruction to the public health and safety implication of drug abuse and addiction such as family distruction, loss of employment, failure in school and college, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, death due to weakening of internal organs.
What Is Drug Addiction ?
Addiction is basically chromic brain disease which causes compulsive drug seeking and use making an impact on the drug addicted individual and those around him or her. consumption of drug is voluntary and no one can stop him or her .
The change occurs in one's brain that over come the time challenge to an addiction person's self control and hamper his or her ability to resist intense impulses to take drugs.
Research shows that there is a treatment medications with behavioral therapy is the best way to overcome drug addiction.
How Your Brain Functions When You Take Drugs ?
Drugs contain chemical which directly effects our nervous system(nerve cells). The normal function of nerve cells receving, processing and sending of information is effected.
Drugs effects basically in two ways : (1)By imitating the brain's natural chemical messenger's and (2) By over stimulating the active circuit of brain.
Drugs basically fools the brain's receptor and activate nerve cell to send abnormal messages. Drugs effect in brain awash in dopamine, a neurotransmitter present in brain that control emotion, feeling of pleasure, control movement and motivation.
Overstimulation result in the natural behaviours of survival such as eating specially sweets, talking, spending times with love ones, sleeping.

Many people don't understand how and why some of us are addicted to drug. Most of the time we mistakenly assumed that consumption of drugs gives us nothing but Reduceses Our Mental Stress, so we ofently consumed it thinking that we will stop using drugs simply changing our behaviour which obviously not possible at all.
In fact drug changes brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse , quitting is difficult even for those who have made there mind's set up's. Since we are advance in science so we all know that how drugs works on our brain than ever and we also know that drug addiction can be treated successfully to stop people by the abuse of drugs and he/she can live his life in a better way foreover.
Example of some drugs: Marijuna, Heroin, Brownsugar
Negative Concequences Of Drug Addiction And Abuse.
What Is Drug Addiction ?
Addiction is basically chromic brain disease which causes compulsive drug seeking and use making an impact on the drug addicted individual and those around him or her. consumption of drug is voluntary and no one can stop him or her .
The change occurs in one's brain that over come the time challenge to an addiction person's self control and hamper his or her ability to resist intense impulses to take drugs.
Research shows that there is a treatment medications with behavioral therapy is the best way to overcome drug addiction.
How Your Brain Functions When You Take Drugs ?
Drugs effects basically in two ways : (1)By imitating the brain's natural chemical messenger's and (2) By over stimulating the active circuit of brain.
Drugs basically fools the brain's receptor and activate nerve cell to send abnormal messages. Drugs effect in brain awash in dopamine, a neurotransmitter present in brain that control emotion, feeling of pleasure, control movement and motivation.
Overstimulation result in the natural behaviours of survival such as eating specially sweets, talking, spending times with love ones, sleeping.
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